Saturday, June 18, 1983

Stayin' in Biel (6/12/1983)

Sunday, June 12, 1983
Found another four-leaf clover.
Four-leaf clover
After a morning of chores, I had a pancake brunch with Marsha C. I tried her peanut butter and maple syrup combination on the pancakes; pretty good!
At 13:00 we walked down Seevorstadt to see the rhododendrons, but they were past peak blooming. At the lakefront, there were all kinds of activities: pantomime comics, crude looms hanging from the trees, a teepee, a pyramid of modern art in the middle of the sidewalk. Marsha brought old bread to feed the swans and ducks, and sparrows and pigeons. The lake water looked dirty. We sat on a bench to write letters and people watch. Many strange people or outfits to see. A couple clowns set up nearby to put on a stupid show. We saw a girl change into her bathing suit in practically the middle of the crowd, mooning behind with a stretched t-shirt in front. Later we saw her changing back into her clothes. Then a kid peed in the middle of the grassy area. This was the same kid who was an aggressive pest, attacking some guys who were lying in the sun. A bunch of men were playing soccer. We saw a skinny guy wearing a black bikini and his socks and sneakers. We admired a couple better-built guys in their bathing suits. Also saw a weird guy, whom we thought had a handicap, although only Marsha and I would have determined that. I saw Jannick, a baby I treat, and Marsha saw Sven, a kid of Elisabeth’s that she had worked with. On our way home we followed the Schusspromenade. At Mühlebrücke we saw Frau H with Philippe from the CP Station.

Thursday, June 16, 1983
Hans Rüdi S came early at 19:45 to pick me up for language lessons. I was in Marsha C’s room, gabbing after dinner. When Hans Rüdi brought me home, the Personalhaus/staff residence door was locked. It is so rarely locked and I had left my keys with Marsha. I went down to the hospital and the front door was locked. I went in through the emergency door and to the phone in reception. I called the second floor of the Personalhaus and finally someone answered and went to get Marsha. I felt bad because it was 23:30. Marsha had just gone to bed, but she came down to open the door for me.

Saturday, June 18, 1983
I went downtown to take my ski jacket to the dry cleaners, to buy a birthday gift for Marsha C, and to go to the jewelry counter in Loeb to fix the pins on my watch band, which the clerk did with great difficulty. After lunch I went downtown again with Marsha at 13:00. We heard music coming from im Ring and went to investigate. There was a group from Pod Ring, from Belgium, playing music while juggling and telling jokes. We saw Hetty D in the crowd who was laughing extra loud at the jokes, or because she was being tickled by her companion.
Later we made chocolate chip cookies.

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